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Halo Custom Edition

**Download Halo.zip**

The zip file includes these files and folders:

Halo client

Extract the Halo Custom Edition.zip on your computer.

medals, maps, and ui

Run Halo Custom Edition v110\redist\msxmlenu.msi.

Copy the custom maps files from your computer to Halo Custom Edition\maps\.

Create a shortcut on your desktop with this link

"C:\Halo Custom Edition v110\haloce.exe" -vidmode 1920,1080,60 -console

Now run halo with the shortcut and create a game profile.

Then close halo and follow these next steps.

Copy the zip files from Halo Medals to %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Halo CE\hac\packs\ (Create the folder packs if necessary).

Now start halo again.

Open the console with §.

In the console type optic load haloreach and custom chat 1.


CD key error - If you play Halo via LAN make sure to install a CD key by running the install batch.

Halo Custom Edition v110\HALO CE CD KEYS\Install_Uninstall.bat

If you still experience this error, delete the %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Halo CE\ folder.

Invalid network adress - This error occurs when starting halo without internet access. Simply ignore this error and click on the running Halo in the taskbar.

Halo server

Install the Halo client.

Copy the folder content of Example_Modded_Server\My Games\Halo CE\ to `%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Halo CE\.

Copy the folder content of Example_Modded_Server\Halo CE\ to Halo Custom Edition v110.

Finally copy the content of sapp_ce\ to Halo Custom Edition v110.

Run the server with haloceded.exe.


Halo client and server on the same machine - If you run Halo client and server on the same machine make sure to use a different client port with the Halo client.

mods and more


map voting

Enable map voting. Copy the file server_scripts\mapvoting.txt to %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Halo CE\sapp\.

Add mapvote 1 to the sapp init file.


Double tap the forward key to run faster. If you sprint for too long, you will become exhausted and run slower.

Copy the file server_scripts\Sprinting\sprinting.lua to %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Halo CE\sapp\lua\.

Add this line to the sapp init file:

lua_load sprinting

Combo Messages

This script does is the same thing that an events kill spree messages would do but, it sends it to the console instead and you can choose the alignment of spree or combo message that can be said.

Copy the script file server_scripts\Combo Messages\combo_messages.lua to %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Halo CE\sapp\lua\.

Add this line to the sapp init file:

lua_load combo_messages

server administration

Add the first user as admin with password halo and admin privileges level 4.

admin add 1 "halo" 4


The Halo download package is build every 24 hours.

To make build on your own follow the steps below:

First install these programms:

Clone the Halo repository.

cd /usr/local/src/
sudo git clone https://github.com/HaloCustomEdition/Halo.git

Edit the file.

sudo vi /etc/cron.daily/halo-build.sh

And add these lines.


sudo git -C /usr/local/src//Halo pull
cd /usr/local/src/Halo
sudo zip -FSr /var/www/ . -x ".travis.yml" "*.git*" "gulpfile.js" "deploy.sh" "package.json" "*out*" "*node_modules*" "*page*"

And make it executable

sudo chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/halo-build.sh

From now on your server updates the Halo repository and creates a new zip file daily.

github pages

The Halo github page is updated with Travis CI.

Build Status

